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Campus in Lucca

Comfortable seat, easy to reach

Canteen and Housing

Live the Campus Experience, take advantage of all the benefits.

Library and spaces

Training courses recognized by the Tuscany Region

3 academic years

3 years of professional training

Career Center

Training experiences in over 150 affiliated companies

Only 60 places available

Enrollments 22/23 closed upon reaching 3 classes

100% practical

3 years of professional training

Professional teachers

Lessons held with professional teachers in their field

I want to come toOPEN DAY.

We will send you all the information about the course, the Opendays and the orientation desk.

The courseTriennale of the Academy of Cinema and Acting is challenging,every day of the week, and has an approach to the100% practical, together with professional teachers

WHEN: From November to June

WHERE? in Tuscany, in Lucca

TYPE: Post diploma or degree course

PLACES: 60 (3 classes of 20 students)

DURATION: 36 months

  • more than85%of our students find work at the end of the 3-year course both in Italy and abroad,through a process of Job Placement and company internships. 

  • Professional training coursesof second and third are recognized by the Tuscany Region

Where is next ODay?

The next Open Day is in Lucca, in our offices in Via Barbantini 47 and Via di Tiglio 370. The offices are far apart4minutes walk from each other!
Career Center

PYou will learn about the companies that collaborate with the Academy and how to use this network to gain work experience in the sector.

Get to know the staff and faculty

Speak directly with the Teachers in charge of the courses to find out in detail the study plan and the subjects that you can follow.

What are the spaces like?

The Academies form a widespread campus within the city of Lucca, we have different locations, each with its own peculiarities!

Benefit from the Academy

From spaces for students to libraries, the canteen, from laboratories for exercises to computer rooms.

Costs? Scholarships?

The costs are flexible, the sooner you sign up and the less you spend! And you can pay the tuition in installments! In addition, you can participate in scholarships, which cut the tuition fee by 50%! What are you waiting for?

Paths of specialization

In the Cinema and Acting Academy you can professionalize yourself in the following three-year courses, 100% practical, connected with the world of work, conducted by professionals, aimed at the creation of documentaries, fiction, TV series...

During the Open Day

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