10 Anni di esperienza per una Nuova Avventura
L'Accademia Cinema e Recitazione Toscana, situata nella splendida città di Lucca, celebra 10 anni di successi con un nuovo progetto: Accademia Eventi. Grazie alla nostra esperienza nella produzione di eventi complessi come film, mostre, spettacoli ed eventi aziendali, offriamo una formazione completa per chi sogna di lavorare nell’affascinante mondo dell’organizzazione eventi.
🗓️ OTTOBRE 2025
🎥 20 POSTI
85% of the students who attend the three-year ACT course have already had work experience after the first year of studies thanks to our Career Service.

You will be able to choose to specialize in one of the main professions in the world of cinema, including: Direction and screenwriting, editing and post-production, direction of photography, camera operator, production and organization.
Why choose Accademia Cinema Toscana
How does the three-year course work?
Il nostro programma unisce teoria e pratica per prepararti al meglio al mondo del lavoro.
The First Year
In the First Year you will follow all the courses to have an overview of the main professional figures and choose the right specialization for you. Access to the second year is limited: the commitment you will dedicate to study and academic activities is important.

The Second Year
The Second Year is a study year. Depending on the chosen course of study, you will broaden your specific knowledge by outlining your professional profile. In addition to lectures, you will tackle your first productions with a focus on documentary and fiction cinema.
Un Corso, infinite Opportunità di Carriera.
Il nostro corso di organizzazione eventi ti prepara a lavorare in settori dinamici e in continua crescita, fornendoti le competenze e contatti richiesti dal mercato.
Settori di Applicazione
Eventi culturali:
Mostre, Festival, Esposizioni.
Eventi artistici:
Teatro, Concerti, Performance live.
Eventi aziendali:
Conferenze, Team Building, Fiere.
Eventi privati:
Matrimoni, Feste, Celebrazioni esclusive.
Turismo ed ospitalità:
Eventi in Hotel, Wedding Tourism.
Eventi istituzionali:
Cerimonie ufficiali.
Figure Professionali Formate
Event Manager
Wedding Planner
Production Manager
Event Designer
Marketing Specialist per Eventi
Fundraising Specialist
Organizzazione culturale

Shall we reserve a place for you at the Open Day ?
Open Days are events open to the public where you can participate in free workshops , visit the offices and meet the teachers. You can also learn more about the Career Service or ask for information on the admission and enrollment process by speaking to the secretary, as well as satisfy all your curiosities by directly interviewing the director of the Academies and our educational coordinators.